
来源:职场范文网 时间:2024-09-28 18:01:16























经过“长龙”我们来到了馆内,这里已经人山人海,我环视着四周,真是漂亮极了,听解说员说,馆内一天要接待8000多名游客哟。博物馆一共有四层,每层有好几个展区。我们第一个看的是陶瓷展,走到里面只见黑洞洞的一片,只有展示品的旁边亮着灯,给人一种仿佛走向时空隧道探索时空的感觉,走近一看,只见各种瓷器琳琅满目盛现在眼前,“真漂亮呀!”妈妈感叹一句,我和爸爸都凑上去,一看,真的,这是一个青花瓷,上身细,下身粗,上面画着一座座群山连绵起伏,一条雄伟的.橙色长龙在山中飞舞,旁边还有些小龙在为大橙龙助威, 它们时而嬉戏,时而吼叫,真是状观。我看了看简介,原来这是清朝时期,摆在乾隆皇帝床边的摆饰品呀,怪不得这么漂亮,上面还刻着龙呀!龙是古代皇帝的象征。




on summer holiday my parents took me to beijing. we stayed at huabei hotel. on the first day, we went to the great wall. the great wall is very long and old. it has millions of bricks. each brick is very big and heavy. lots of people from different countries like climbing the great wall. we felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the great wall.

we also went to the palace museum. the palace museum has 9999 palaces. it has a very long history. i bought a lot of souvenirs of the palace museum. what nice palaces these are! i visited the palace museum and felt excited. if you want to know more about the palace museum, you can go to beijing and have a look.

the following days, we went to the summer palace, tian tan, north lake and xiang hill. i now know more about the history of china. i also like modern beijing. the 2008 olympic games will be held in beijing.

later, i went back with my parents by train. i really enjoyed the trip to beijing.

i like this trip!


i took a trip to shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. it took us more than two hours to drive to shanghai from my home in haimen. we stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. on the first day, i just stayed in the hotel and rested. on the second day, my brother and i went to nanjing road. it’s the busiest street in shanghai. when we got there, there were lots of people. we walked from one shop to another.

i bought two t-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. the t-shirts and trousers i bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. my brother also bought some clothes. on the third day, my mother took me to jinjiang entertainment centre. it was full of people. i played many kinds of games there. i had a good time. the other days, i went to some other interesting places, such as the oriental bright pearl tv tower, the huangpu river and shanghai international conference centre. i didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. i had a full and happy holiday.


since the 20xx world expo is around the corner, the shanghai government is busy preparing for it and out city has taken on a new look.

first and foremost, as we all know, many beautiful and creative pavilions of different countries have been built for the exhibition in the expo site along the huangpu river. besides, the government also pays great attention to the improvement of public transportation. we citizens can find that many roads have been widened and several new metro lines are being built now. furthermore, the common people of all ages are keen on learning english and even took some foreign language courses, hoping to be a volunteer for the world expo.

there is no doubt that we have made great achievements, but these are still not enough. for example, first, in my point of view, as the host, we shanghainese ought to be better informed of the related knowledge of the expo in order to help foreign visitors. moreover, some citizens' spiritual quality is far from satisfactory so that they sometimes disobey "7 don'ts".

in short, holding a successful world expo needs our joint effort. as the theme of expo 20xx said, "better city, better life," it represents the common wish of the whole humankind for a better living in future urban environments.

